The Harp and the Secret to a Happy Life

The Harp and the Secret to a Happy Life

The Princess felt alone and lacked a happy life. All she did was wait. A little snoozy in the head dallying high in the top room of her moth eaten castle. Living in the future and too timid to seize the day, the princess waited and wondered when she would be rescued...

Master Key Experience

When I entered the Master Keys, I was an energetic  person working hard towards following God and my heart. I had drive. I had spirit. But I needed more- much more. I needed to re-train my brain out of old habits that did not serve.  I needed a comprehensive system...

Week 23- The Real Thing!

“Creative thought requires attention, and the power of attention is, as we have found, the weapon of the Super-man.   Attention develops concentration, and concentration develops Spiritual Power, and Spiritual Power is the mightiest force in existence.”...

Week 22a- Letting Go of Your Inner Monkey

What is your banana?  What do you hold too tightly?  So tightly that the very action of holding on is what keeps you from having it? Missing your life’s purpose. And what if there is actually something much BETTER for you than the banana itself?  And the...

Week 22- The Gift of Unworthiness

Fear, Guilt, Anger, Hurt Feelings and Unworthiness are emotions most of us wish to avoid. However, what if these feelings were actually a GIFT? What if we could transmute these feelings into something positive, and use them as magnificent TOOLS? AND what if there was...

Week 21- Make It Rain!

Many people travel far off to enroll in the Talent School.  At Talent School, each student discovers a new magical talent.  Everyone there is special. Alora opens her hands to reveal colorful butterflies.  Peter can speak to all the lovely creatures in the land.  Hans...