Week 8- Compass, not the Clock

The CLOCK A measured illusion-  exclusively linear to the mind, Perceived as unbroken, unswerving, and relentlessly continuous. The CLOCK- ultimately complying to our expectation of sparsity- is accelerated and deficient to serve those who make the greatest demand....

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Week 7- Shock Waves

Shock waves reaching my mind, my body taking keen notice. A new enchanting vibration saturates my cells, my personal universe expands. I am finding myself wanting a BREAK from the pace!! but at he same time craving more speed. At the anticipated tipping point,  am...

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Week 6- Emotional View

Week 6- Emotional View

Resolute... firm... bold. Calm... serene... poetic. Consumed... drained... old. Energetic... adventurous... kinetic.   Faithful... sincere... open. Trusting... undoubting... believed. Rushed... overwhelmed... coping. Grateful... thankful... relieved.  ...

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Week 5- A New Key

I sense the magic ensuing.  Behaviors not the norm. Singing in a new key, yet my throat still  feels the old form. Dual Thought the governing coach.  I trust the channels grease. Words repeating, repeating, repeating. Emotion  is the  guiding piece. Elated for the...

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