The Harp and the Secret to a Happy Life

The Harp and the Secret to a Happy Life

The Princess felt alone and lacked a happy life. All she did was wait. A little snoozy in the head dallying high in the top room of her moth eaten castle. Living in the future and too timid to seize the day, the princess waited and wondered when she would be rescued...

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7 Factors in Going from Rags to Riches

7 Factors in Going from Rags to Riches

Humbled and honored to be highlighted by millionaire Self Development and MLM success truth-sayer, Mark Januszewski, in his article "7 Factors in Going from Rags to Riches in MLM" in the review of the study by Peter Han, [a Harvard grad], entitled “Nobodies to...

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Crave More Purpose? Focus on Beautiful YOU

Crave More Purpose? Focus on Beautiful YOU

The Jester and the Soul Mate The jester had focus.  He spent his day on making people laugh... and he did it well. He was very popular with the King, the Queen and all the folks in the castle. He often went down to the town square and such with the purpose to give his...

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Humility the Most Valuable Asset to Make you Money?

There was a man who lived a very prideful life. Everyone in town avoided him for the shark he was.  He had no friends, but didn't seem to mind because he had his sights on worldly wealth and counted that as success. He knew better. Then one day, an angel appeared...

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