How to be 106 years old…and LOVE it!
My oldest friend is 106 years old. Each time I visit her, it's as if she lays out a blanket of sweetness in front of me to sit on. The conversation is fun as she starts to talk about all she has seen in her life and what she is doing now. However, the most...

Essential Oils for Kids- Good Idea?
Essential oils are hitting the scene and becoming increasingly popular among families and medical professionals when it comes to kids. If it seems like they are the new kid on the block, they have actually been around for millennia. With the increased awareness for...

Roller Bottle Blends with Essential Oils
Making your own roller bottles with essential oils is fast and fun! Simply fill with these recommended amounts of essential oil, then fill the rest of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil. Voila! You now have a convenient, effective and scientifically solid way...

#Thoughts #Prayer #Will
Our will is a most prized possession. No one can take away our thoughts. Throughout history, those who are hungry for power and control have tried - and still try to control others. You can see it everywhere. While on the outside, the motive may be anywhere from...