So how do you start a part-time home-based business, earn additional income AND improve the quality of your relationships with the ones that you love?

1. Find a home-based business model that has a proven track record. For example, network marketing has stood the tests of time. It’s flexible, there is no ceiling on earning potential, there is very little upfront investment, the world is your oyster.

2. Make sure each hour is focused and has a high yield.  If you choose network marketing as your model, then working with a team that gives hands on help, teaches proven skills and shows you step by step how to get your first paycheck in the first 2-3 weeks of starting.  (You started this to earn money, right?)

3. Put your family first!  Do this by SCHEDULING time in your week with your spouse and children FIRST into your appointment book and WRITE IT DOWN. A walk in the park with your spouse, going to get ice cream with your daughter, throwing a ball with your son- simple is best. One-on-one time with each member is important. Then use the remainder of your time slots for your high producing actions for your home-based business.

By letting your spouse and children know that they come first, they are happier, you are happier your relationship improves and you are on fire to make your high yielding actions to earning additional income in our home-based business.  Success has never been so rewarding.